Apple-Spinach Meatloaf

Apple-Spin Meatloaf

1lb ground beef from the farm

1/2c rinsed spinach leaves (dry)

1 sm apple peeled, cored, and chopped

1.5 t garlic minced

Sea salt
Onion powder

Mix all ingredients and form into loaf. Bake in loaf pan at 350 for 30 minutes

Top with Blueberry Ketchup and enjoy!

– This recipe does come out of the oven with tons of extra, good for you (if your meat is clean) cooking fat! If you do grains maybe try adding some oatmeal to your loaf. If not then you could do what I did and make some mashed potatoes with it! Paleo style;)
-Also if your a bacon lover like me- chop some up and add it into the mix!
